review Research stage I for Sara-Claude Leduc


            Draft Workshop Research Stage I

Writing a Proposal

Describe the introduction. How does it engage or fail to engage the reader?

 The introduction is interesting because it directs our focus from a general view of the world based to economy and power to a very specific and important subject: education. The author proposes to analyze two different kinds of view: the traditional one and the more modern and inclusive type of approach in order to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Explain the writer’s credentials or why is he or she interested in writing about the topic?

The author is a student in the education department and  found the topic interesting for her future career. She is also interested in learning about education in other countries in order to find better ways to help
Describe the research gathered to incorporate into the argument. Is it sufficient? Credible? Do you have any suggestions for the writer?

I think Sara-Claude has enough information for her research paper. She gathered information about education in European countries and Africa. She also had resources on alternative types of instruction and new policies to reform education in developing countries.

What is the value of the project? What does it mean to you the reader? When you first began to read the proposal did you have other expectations?  

I think her research could be valuable particularly for teachers who look for ways to improve their teaching practices with students with different needs. I did not have other expectation because the focus of her research is very clear

Writing an Outline

Write the thesis statement:

she doesn’t really have a thesis statement because she discussed with the teacher who suggested that her thesis may be at the end of analysis

How would you revise it for strength and clarity? What is unnecessary? What is missing? Is it a valuable argument? Write complete sentences for each of the above questions.

She still has things to fix up especially the way she is going to proceed with her topic, but I don’t see any particular problem rather than organization

Does the outline employ strong topic sentences? Do they sound valuable you?

Yes, I think so

Does the author provide clear and valuable evidence?

Yes, but this is still a draft that needs to be cleaned up a little
Writing an Annotated Bibliography

Is the annotated bibliography complete? How would you describe the sources in your mind?  Is the author’s assessment accurate?

  • Describe the quality of the source?
  • What is in it (content, scope)?
  • How is the information relevant and useful for my topic?


Did the author use a broad range of sources for this assignment? Going on location, taking photographs and interviewing people will add to the complexity of your writing. In addition, take careful notes during our library lecture. Not all sources should be web-based. 

Yes, she did, but she forgot to use the annotated bibliography. She only used references.

Do you have any helpful suggestions for the author?

 Just reorganize her work

What are the kinds of sources employed by the writer?  The majority of sources should NOT be web material. They should be journal articles, newspaper articles (contemporary to the action in the piece when possible), books. Interviews with experts are great. 

 They are valid educational resources

Wikipedia is not to be cited; it can be used, however, to backtrack to original, good sources. Similar sources ( and others) are also out of bounds.

~ by ladyindaco on November 9, 2010.

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